Sundays at Holy Trinity

Gathering at 9am and 10:45am

We gather together every week in the church building to encourage one another and be equipped for the week ahead to live out the good news of Jesus Christ on our frontlines.

Visitors are always welcome and we’d love for you to join us. It’s great to see more people joining us each week to worship Jesus.

9am Morning Gathering

An informal gathering with prayer, praise, and bible teaching. We share communion on 1st and 3rd Sundays. Join us this Sunday as we come together to praise and worship God. The same sermon is usually preached at both 9am and 10:45am gatherings.

  • Unsupervised crèche

  • Prayer ministry team

  • Disabled access

  • Hearing loop

10:45 Morning Gathering

A gathering with prayer, praise, bible teaching and children’s and youth programmes. Join us this Sunday as we come together to praise and worship God. The same sermon is usually preached at both 9am and 10:45am gatherings.

(The talk from our morning gathering will be made available on our YouTube and Facebook pages so you can catch up if you can’t make it.)

  • Children’s & Youth groups

  • Prayer ministry team

  • Disabled access

  • Hearing loop

Evenings in St Matthews

We usually have the following evening gatherings, but check the calendar for up to date information;


BREATHE: Our monthly informal gathering for extended worship, reflection and space with Jesus. (FIRST SUNDAY)

PRAYER SPACE: Our monthly prayer meeting (USUALLY THIRD SUNDAY)