My ChurchSuite
We use an App called My ChurchSuite to stay connected as a community - we like to think of it as a members area.
My Communication
- You can find all the emails you have been sent from church here.
My Details
- This is all the information we have about you, here you can update it and adjust your privacy settings.
My Children
- If you have children, their details will be stored here. Only verified youth leaders will have access to the details. You can update them here too.
- Everything that happens at church will be here. You can view details and book on to events here.
My Groups
- If you are in a small group or a cluster all the details will be here for you.
My Rotas
- We love to encourage our church family to serve one another. If you are on a rota all the details will be here. You can arrange swaps, show when you aren't available here too.
Church Directory
- We used to have a paper directory, now it is all here. You control who sees your details in your privacy settings.
How to use ChurchSuite
You can use ChurchSuite on a browser or via the app on your mobile or tablet. The app is great for checking things on the go. Follow the links below to login to your account or to download the app to your device.
If you’re a member of Holy Trinity but haven’t got a username and password yet contact the Church Office.
Google Play
(for Android devices
iOS App Store
(for Mac, iPad & iPhone)