
Please find below some helpful resources for our walk with the Lord

Bible Study

With others:

Meet up and read the Bible with someone else

Pick a passage to memorise over a month

Join a small group or cluster

Bring your Bible on Sundays and make notes

On your own:

Spend some time reading the Bible everyday

Put your phone away and use a paper Bible

Use different translations and a reading plan

Other Resources:


Ten of those Bible study resources


Videos / podcasts

Bible project

Church of the City

Bible Reading plans:




With others:

Form a prayer triplet with two other people

Commit to attending a regular prayer meeting

Prayer walk and bless your road, work, home

Offer to pray for people if they share with you

On your own:

Spend 15 minutes in prayer each day

Journal: writing prayers and answers to prayer

Set alarms on your phone as reminders

Other Resources:


Ten of those prayer resources

Daily Bread

Videos / podcasts

24/7 Prayer

Awaken network

Prayer plans:

Prayer Mate

Lectio 365 App


With others:

Commit to Sunday worship

Introduce sung worship in your small group

Go with others to a conference or worship night

Serve others with humility and grace

On your own:

Listen to worship music instead of the radio

Read through the Psalms

Choose to enter every worship space with joy

Other Resources:


Ten of those worship resources

Worship for everyone

Videos / podcasts

Engage Worship

Bible Project

Worship apps and playlists:

Church of England Daily Prayer

HTS Play List