Electoral Roll
If you are a member of Holy Trinity and have not yet joined the church electoral roll please complete this application form by clicking below.
To be on Holy Trinity's electoral roll you need to have worshipped at our church regularly for at least the last six months OR be resident in the parish. You should be baptised and at least 16 years old. If you are unsure of the parish boundaries, you can view them here.
What is the Electoral Roll?
Joining the Electoral Roll at Holy Trinity is a way of saying ‘I belong’. It is an act of commitment to the local church and to the national church as a whole. It also enables you to vote on church matters, attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and stand for election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC). Being on the Electoral Roll does not make you a “member” of Holy Trinity; simply regarding Holy Trinity as your spiritual home does that.
If you are eligible to join, we would love to encourage you to sign up.
If you have any question, please get in touch and we would love to talk to you.