
Generosity is a natural response to all God has given to us; not as an obligation or collection but an act of worship. Your giving enables Holy Trinity to fulfil it’s mission to reach Stalybridge with the love of Jesus and the power of the Gospel.

In order for our work to be resourced and released we ask all those who consider themselves members of the church to give in a regular, planned way. All this enables us to employ staff, maintain our buildings and reach out in service to our community. Nevertheless, the key issue is always that each person gives what they have decided in their heart to give, and not out of compulsion.

We have a wonderful God who has blessed us in so many ways and we are so grateful to be called to share his love with others and to see their lives changed and transformed by him.

How Can I give?

One off Giving

Click below to make a one off card payment.

With this method there is a small transaction fee which you can optionally choose to cover.

Regular Giving

This plays a very important role in enabling us to plan longer-term projects to help grow the Kingdom for God.

Holy Trinity and Christ Church

Account no. 00472135

Sort code 82-11-07

(When searching for account this may display as: The Parochial Church Council of the Eccl)

Gift Aid

For all giving, if you are a UK taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration either through My Churchsuite or by completing the form below.

It allows us to claim 25p for every £1 you give and makes all the difference.

Giving update 2024

Get in touch if you would like to know more