
Prayer is the engine room in all we do at Holy Trinity and gathered prayer takes place in many ways. We offer prayer ministry after all of our Sunday and Midweek Gatherings and encourage all in the church to spend time in daily prayer with the Lord and for the world.

Wednesday Prayer

6:30am on Zoom for 30 mins ZOOM LINK

9:15am for 45 minutes in the Church Building

Monthly Prayer Space (third Sunday of month)

7pm in St Matthews

Prayer Events

We hold regular prayer events including 24 hours of prayer and Lent/Holy Week Reflections

Thy Kingdom Come

Each year we join in with churches aorund the world praying for God’s Kingdom to come. You can find out more abou TKC here

Acorn Prayer

As a church we love to share the Gospel with those who don’t know Jesus. Who is God laying on your heart to bless, pray for or encourage this week?

Ask: Pray ‘God who beyond the church are you nudging me to reach out to today?’

Call: Be open to God’s call when the answer comes

Obey: Find a way to make contact and simply ask ‘how are you?’

Report: Tell someone what happened

Notice: Be aware of what God has done in you and through you?

Please email and there is a team who will commit to pray for you.

You can also arrange to meet up with one of our prayer team. Contact us here to arrange this.

Do you need prayer?