HTS Kids is for our 0-11 year olds.

We long to see our children grow into their calling, gifts, and passions as they encounter Jesus

  • How does it work?

    Every Sunday, our kids work runs at the 10.45am morning gathering. Gems is for pre-schoolers and KICStart for school years Reception to Year 6. On arrival parents/carers can register their children for their groups before joining with the whole church for a time of sung worship (including action song!) before their groups start.

    We ensure it is a priority that everyone has a safe and enjoyable time so before attending a group, each parent/carer is asked to complete an electronic permission form which lets the team know of any special needs and enables them to keep in contact with parents and carers.

  • How to get involved

    The best way to get involved is to come along on a Sunday. You’ll be greeted by a member of the welcome team who can easily introduce you to one of the KIC Start or Gems team who will tell you everything you need to know for each age group. You can also get in touch by clicking the button at the bottom of this page and sending a message to us.



Our Sunday group for pre-schoolers with Bible stories, craft and activities.

Parents are welcome to stay with their child or leave them with the leaders for the session.

Please contact us for more information.


Our Sunday group for Primary School children (yrs R-6).

We spend time playing games, learning about Jesus and having as much fun as possible.

Please contact us for more information.

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Trinity Tots

Our parent and tots group every Monday in term time from 9:30-11:00am. Toys, crafts, story time, and snacks.

There is a charge of £2 per family.

Please contact us for more information

We also host Light Parties, Messy Church, Holidays Clubs and regular schools work.

WORSHIP with us!

YouTube link to HTS Action Songs playlist 2024!

Spotify link to HTS Action Songs playlist 2024!