Midweek Community Resources

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

Downloadable study guides:

(We are grateful for the generosity of our friends at HT Cambridge for some online resources)

HTS Study guides:

We’ve got a growing library of second hand study guides for you to flip through/borrow - they live in the church office. The list is HERE and you can ask Cris for more info

Online courses:

  • Prayer course

    Small Group Notes available at www.prayercourse.org

  • Bible Project

    Try some of their studies

  • Unanswered prayer course

    The follow-up on the Prayer Course! What do we do when God doesn’t answer prayer?

  • God at work course

    This course is based on Ken Costa’s book God At Work, and aims to equip Christians to find purpose in their day-to-day work, and to live it out effectively. The course is comprised of six sessions,

  • Struggling with judgment

    A series that takes on one of the biggest issues and struggles many Christians (and non-Christians) grapple with - how can a God of love also be a God who judges? The series is a 6-part series of 15minute films.